A project to bring the old shoreside building in Port Appin into community ownership, include boat building and a range of water-based activities for all sections of the community.
Port Appin boathouse is a new project with Appin Community Development Trust working with the Appin Skiff Community Project to bring the old boathouse in Port Appin into community ownership as a permanent home for skiff group activities. These will include boat building and a range of water-based activities for all sections of the community to participate in. Such activities will include recreational and competitive coastal rowing in the Appin skiff.
Unused for many years, the boathouse had fallen into a semi-derelict state until the skiff group spotted its potential as a base for their boat building activities. In 2016, the skiff group obtained a lease on the property from owners, Argyll and Bute Council, and carried out basic improvements to bring the property into a useable condition. We are now seeking to bring the property into full community ownership as the basis for making further improvements to the building and securing it for community seafaring activities for the long term.
Agreement on sale of the property has been reached with Argyll & Bute Council and we are now in the process of securing the necessary funding to allow the purchase to proceed.
Read more about Appin Skiff here.

Port Appin boathouse
Support from both the community of Appin and further afield is essential for us to raise the funds necessary for the purchase, improvement and long term maintenance of the boathouse.
This support will help us provide a secure long term base for boat building and for water-based activities.
How you can support the Boathouse
Join Appin Skiff
If you would like to learn more about the activities of Appin Skiff and get involved in the coastal rowing project, please get in touch here>.
Volunteer to help with maintenance
If you live locally and can spare a few hours each month to help with maintenance and improvement tasks at the boathouse please get in touch here>.
Make a donation
If you would like to support the purchase, improvement and/or long term maintenance of the boathouse you can make a safe & secure online donation here.
Appin Skiff Captain: Charlotte Parkin
Appin Skiff Vice-Captain: Colin Brown
Email: info@appinskiff.co.uk