Appin Agricultural Club's annual show - a much loved day out for locals and visitors.
The 64th Annual Show
Celebrating its 64th anniversary, the 2023 Appin Agricultural show is one of Argyll’s best local shows and a great family day out on Saturday 19 August 2023.
Show Details
The 2023 Appin Show takes place at Tynbribbie Croft, Appin (field opposite the Parish Church and Village Hall).
Admission is £7 for adults, £3 for children and concessions, under 5's free. Free parking. Livestock judging starts at 10am with the afternoon entertainment programme from 1pm.
The Show dance will follow in the evening in Appin Hall, 9pm, £10 admission.
Show Highlights
Livestock judging
Stock judging starts at 10am, so come early if you want to watch it.
The handicrafts section features Home Baking, Jams, Knitting, Photography, Floral Art, Root & Grain and a Children’s section. There is something for everyone and the tent is usually filled with lots of entries, making it one of the best in Argyll.
Show field
A wide variety of trade, charity, food and entertainment marquees and stalls will be available on the show field, with an exciting afternoon programme to keep all ages entertained.
Highland Dancing
A Highland Dancing competition is held annually at the Appin Show, entries can be made on the day or prior to the show. Contact Mrs Tricia MacKay for further information.
Dog Show
A Dog show competition is held in the main ring and judged by one of our local Vets. The Dog show is held at approximately at 2.30pm. Entries on the day are free, no registration required.
Children’s activities
Lots of activities will be available for children of all ages. Children’s races will be held as part of the afternoon programme. Bouncy castles, slides and bucking bronco available. Face painting and lots more. Baby changing facilities and a quiet space for families will also be available on the show field.
Hill Race

The Beinn Donn hill race starts at 1pm; registration is on the day at the show field.
The Rowan Cup trophy, kindly donated by Mr & Mrs C Rowan of Rowan Stoneworks, is awarded to the overall winner. In addition prizes of £100, £50 and £25 are awarded for the first three runners in the men's and women's races.
The Oban Mountain Rescue team provide the support to the Hill race (as well as First Aid to the whole show) which is very much appreciated.

First Show in 1957
The Appin Agricultural Show, as we know it today, began in 1957 at Achnacone. Although there had been shows in the earlier part of the century, their frequency was punctuated by wars.
The energy of the Young Farmers Club of the time was instrumental in revitalising the 'modern day' show with the typical sheep and cattle classes and popular hill race competition run alongside unusual events such as the bicycle-towing-a-pram race. Rest assured there were no babies in the prams at the time! The growing status of the show saw it move to Kinlochlaich Farm and then onto Creagan Farm.
Most Picturesque Show
Appin laid claim to be the most picturesque agricultural show in Scotland after moving to Stalker Croft, in the shadow of the castle, for a number of years before a succession of downpours forced the switch to the current site at Tynribbie.
Even the foot and mouth outbreak of 2001 failed to discourage the determined committee of the day, as the show went ahead with entries such as best homemade sheep (won by Willie MacLeod, in case you were wondering!)
The show is organised by the Appin Agricultural show committee - a dedicated team who give up a lot of time to make the show a success.
We also have many volunteers on the show day, who help to make the show a highlight of the local community calendar.
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Keep up to date on Appin Show news via our Facebook page here>
For all show enquiries and to book a trade stand:
Contact Caroline Henderson, Show Secretary.
Tel: 01631 730788 or 07584039451