The Feis in Appin has been running now for a number of years, lead by Sheena Reid and Roo Geddes. The Feis movement is a Scotland-wide initiative to promote traditional music, song and dance, and the gaelic language, for young people. In Appin we’re fortunate to now have a thriving Feis, which meets roughly monthly (apart from summer), for 3 hours on a Saturday morning, and is usually attended by around 30 children, and parents and other adults who also join in!

We provide a good selection of classes, and participants can choose up to 4 things to do at each Feis, ranging from accordion, whistle, fiddle, clarsach (and many other instruments) to gaelic song and highland dancing. We have been lucky to be supported by some local businesses, Appin Community Trust and through ongoing fundraising - with monies raised supporting the monthly meets, paying tutors and buying and maintaining musical instruments.
Everyone is welcome to come along to the monthly Feis events and try out an instrument. Just drop us an email at if you’d like to attend.